Charlotte's Army's Story

What have you done/are you doing to raise funds for Mast Cell Action?

A Kiltwalk in Dundee with Charlotte's Army – walking 6 miles.

This falls on the back of other kiltwalks this year where Charlottes family and friends have walked 24 miles in Glasgow and 15 in Aberdeen and plan 26 miles in Edinburgh.

How is the challenge going so far?

Despite a lack of training, the walking has been going well – the feet may tell another story! Some toenails are missing and had multiple blisters at the end of the day – but all worth it!

How much are you hoping to raise/did you raise?

To date we have raised over £1,000 this year.

Why did you choose Mast Cell Action? What impact has Mast Cell Action had for you?

Charlotte, our 7 year old daughter, suffers from this condition. It has been a steep learning curve in being diagnosed, recognised and management. Having a support group helps to ask questions but as a community we can help push forward with potential treatments and cures. 

What did you enjoy most/are you enjoying about your fundraising experience?

Feeling that you can give back to people is the ultimate aim of trying to raise awareness and a find a cure. I would love to take away Charlottes’ troubles, as a parent that is all you want. However I can’t magic it away so instead choose to channel that into hopefully providing the group with much needed money to help. 

What message would you like to share with the MCAS community? 

We are all in this together – so donate, support, fundraise – it’s the only way to change things. 

What message would you like to share with the wider community? 

MCAS is an under recognised, under diagnosed and mismanaged condition affecting all aspects of Charlottes’ life. It’s something that needs more funding and research to help improve Charlottes' life along with many other sufferers. 

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Mast Cell Action relies entirely on the generosity of people like you. Please make a donation now and together we can make a difference to those affected by MCAS.

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