Virtual sessions for people with MCAS

We host regular Mindfulness, Rest and Unwind, Qigong and community Zoom sessions, as well as stand-alone, topical sessions. If you have any questions, you can contact us here. You can view and book all of our virtual sessions here.  

Our virtual sessions are hosted through Zoom and are free to anyone living with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome or for those supporting someone living with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome.

Any donations received go towards us being able to provide more virtual sessions to those in need within our community. If you are able to donate, no matter how small, it will be gratefully received. 

We look forward to seeing you at one of our virtual sessions soon.


We are committed to making our virtual sessions accessible to all participants and we understand that some individuals may experience electromagnetic sensitivity (EMF) or prefer hard copies of materials for various reasons.   

For individuals who prefer/require hard copies of materials, we are happy to provide alternative formats whenever possible. Please reach out to us here. We will do our utmost to assist you and ensure your experience is as comfortable as possible.

Our goal is to create an inclusive environment where everyone can fully engage with our content and discussions. If you have any questions or suggestions regarding accessibility, please don't hesitate to get in touch. Your feedback helps us continually improve our efforts to ensure that all participants feel welcome and supported.

MCAS and Environmental Pollution - The Toxic Truth 

Join us on Wednesday 31st July 6-7pm.

Many of us know that exposure to certain chemicals, toiletries, cleaning products and perfumes makes us worse when we live with MCAS, but how do these toxins affect us, and why? What is the connection between MCAS and environmental toxins? What are the toxins in these products that cause us issues? Are they a problem just for us, or for everyone? What can we do to support ourselves when exposed to toxins, and how can we reduce our exposure? 

Come and explore some of these issues and find out more about how to manage chemical sensitivity with MCAS.

You can read more and book your place here


Virtual Cafe

Step into The MCAS Virtual Café, where the spotlight isn't on MCAS, but on the connections made within. It's an online rendezvous for those touched by MCAS to unwind, share stories, and simply enjoy each other's company.

Sip your favourite beverage, cozy up in your favourite spot, and let the conversations flow. Whether you're, discussing hobbies, or sharing anecdotes from your day, this virtual social space is all about fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among its attendees.

No need for labels or medical jargon – here, everyone is simply themselves. So, come as you are and join us for The MCAS Virtual Café, where the focus is on laughter, friendship, and the joy of being together. You can read more and book your place here. 

What is detoxing, and how might it help with MCAS?

Join us on Wednesday 14th August 7-8pm. 

In the last session with Deborah, we looked at the role of toxins in contributing to MCAS reactions. This session is the antidote to that! Come along and learn what we can do to avoid toxins, and how to support our body to eliminate them more effectively.

Deborah has personally found that detoxing practices have made a big difference to her own MCAS symptoms, and so she has made it a priority to understand detoxification processes and how to support them, and here she is sharing her knowledge with us.

You can read more and book your place here

Community Stories with Alice McLaren

Join us on Friday 16th August from 11-12pm for our third Community Stories session. 

This session will be hosted by Community Champion volunteer Alice McLaren who hosts our Creative's session and our Thursday Community Support Sessions. Alice would like to share her MCAS story with you which she believes was triggered in childhood trauma.

Alice’s symptoms started around the age of ten with horrendous nose bleeds, nausea and fatigue. Despite only getting a diagnosis in September 2023, Alice is bubbly, full of life and optimistic about the future. She has found art to be incredibly therapeutic and is painting, creating, and is in the process of writing a book of poetry.

You can read more and book your place here

Navigating the Storm - with Dr. Ashlyn Firkins

Join us on Tuesday 20th August 7:30-9pm. Mast Cell Action is delighted to share a new session: Living well in the presence of MCAS: ideas from the field of clinical psychology to help navigate the storm.

Hosted by Dr Ashlyn Firkins, HCPC registered Clinical Psychologist and founder of Holding Hope Therapies. Ashlyn will share insights from evidenced based third wave CBT and compassion-based approaches, to explore how you can look after your emotional health while living with MCAS.

In this session, you can expect an introduction to key theoretical models in the physical health field. Alongside practical strategies designed to support you to more easily and skilfully navigate the difficult thoughts and feelings that are often tied to the onset of physical health difficulties like MCAS. Find out more and book your place here

Games Night Social

Come join us on Friday 6th September 7-8pm or again on Tuesday 17th December 8-9pm for a relaxed evening of fun and connection. 

This online event provides an opportunity for individuals with MCAS or suspected MCAS or those who care for people with MCAS or suspected MCAS to come together socially and have some fun.

If you like playing games and would enjoy some social time with other people living with MCAS, come along and join in!

This event will be hosted By Charise, Mast Cell Action’s Community Engagement Coordinator.

Find out more and book your place here

Virtual self-massage session with lymph drainage introduction

Due to it's popular demand, we are thrilled to announce that Ellen from Flexback will be returning to run a monthly Virtual Massage session for us. The next session will be on 11th September and you can book your place here.  

Come along, meet Ellen, and learn some self-massage techniques to help you relax and spend some time thinking about self-care. This session will also feature an introduction to lymph drainage. All techniques will be optional, so feel free to join in with the movements that you feel comfortable with.

Ellen is a qualified Level 5 BTEC Clinical Sports and Remedial Massage Therapist and specialises in the assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of injuries and pain – both sport and work-related.

You can read more and book your place here. 

The Neuroscience of Mindfulness

Come and join us for a session on the science behind Mindfulness on Wednesday 11th September 7-8pm hosted by the wonderful Deborah Bircham. 

Have you ever been curious about what Mindfulness is, and if it might help you? 

Join Deborah to find out more about the neuroscience of how Mindfulness works, and how everyone can develop their own unique mindfulness practice to support them to manage difficulty and feel better—EVEN if you struggle to sit still, switch off and relax!

The session will also include a short Mindfulness taster practice!

Find out more and book your place here

Diet and MCAS Virtual Session

Join us for an informative and engaging Q&A session with Chloe Hall and Alison Holloway, two leading dietitians and experts on Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). Chloe and Alison will be answering your questions on diet and MCAS. 

Chloe is a Dietitian with over 10 years of experience working in the NHS. She has also launched her own business, @‌thecalmgutdietitian, which specialises in gut health, and specifically histamine intolerance and Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS). 

Alison is a UK based Dietitian with over 25 years of NHS experience and currently works as a specialist diabetes dietitian in the NHS alongside running a busy private practice, ‘The Unexpected Dietitian’. 

You can read more and book your place here.

NEW: Mast Cells and The Mind

Join us on Wednesday 23rd October 2-3pm.

Hosted by community champion, Deborah, Mast Cells and the Mind will explore some of the science behind the ‘mind/body’ connection, and how our mental wellbeing can affect our physical health, and vice versa. We will learn some tools and techniques that can help us to manage our mental health when we live with difficult health challenges, and investigate how and why these techniques work to calm the mind and body.

Deborah is a Mindfulness teacher and Holistic Health Coach, and she specialises in supporting people with long-term health conditions through a combination of naturopathic health coaching, mindfulness and psychotherapy techniques.

You can read more and book your place here.  

Parent and Carer Peer Support Group 

Our parent and carer peer support sessions usually run fortnightly on Wednesdays, alternating between 11am and 7pm sessions. Our volunteer hosts will be taking a summer hiatus, we will be returning to more regular sessions in September. 

Upcoming sessions are on Wednesday 26th June 7-8pm, the theme is Surviving Summer. And Wednesday 28th August 7-8pm, the theme is Back to School

Come along to connect with other parents who understand the unique challenges of raising children with MCAS or suspected MCAS.

This is a space for you to engage in open discussions, ask questions, and learn from the collective wisdom of the group.

Find out more or book your place here.

Weekly Qigong sessions 

We are delighted to share our new weekly Qigong sessions with you! These sessions are open to anyone with MCAS or caring for someone with MCAS (or suspected MCAS).

Qigong (sometimes alternatively spelled Chi Gong or Chi Kung) is an ancient practice that makes up one of the branches of Traditional Chinese Medicine, alongside acupuncture. Check out our YouTube video for more information about Qigong.

Come along and meet Duncan and enjoy a session of deep breathing, mindfulness, and removing energetic blockages, to help energy flow more smoothly throughout the body and create an overall sense of well-being. 

You can find out more about Duncan and Qigong here or book your place here. Please book a place for each session you would like to attend. 

Unleash Your Creative Spark!

Are you someone with a passion for creativity or perhaps you've been wanting to ignite that creative spark within you? Mast Cell Action are excited to share our Creatives with MCAS sessions, which on the second Tuesday of each month at 11am-12pm

This is your chance to express your artistic talents, whether it's through the magic of poetry, the strokes of a paintbrush, the moulding of pottery or any other form of creation that stirs your soul. Come along and share your creations with a like-minded community, whether you're a seasoned artist or someone just starting on their artistic journey.There will of course be an opportunity for lots of chat, MCAS or otherwise while we get crafty! You can read more and book your place here.

Theme for August: The challenge is to create a picture out of leaves or pebbels or write something with the words "oh what joy" in it. 

Weekly community zoom sessions

We are delighted to launch our weekly community zoom sessions for those living in the UK. The sessions will run every Thursday from 7pm.

Our Community Champion volunteers Kay, Lydia and Alice will be hosting these weekly sessions, along with our Community Engagement Coordinator, Charise. The sessions will be informal meetings that create an opportunity for people living with MCAS to connect with others, share stories and experiences and seek support from each other. We will be running this session virtually through zoom, so feel free to join us to chat about all things MCAS! Find out more here and book your place here.

Join our WhatsApp Group to connect with other members of our Community Zoom Sessions. The WhatsApp group is a space to continue conversations from the sessions, speak to others who attend and seek/give support. Please note, this WhatsApp group is not moderated. Please report any issues by email

Rest and Unwind Class

Update: These sessions are temporarily paused. We will post an update as soon as new sessions have been scheduled. 

These sessions are designed for people who have MCAS or care for someone with MCAS, these sessions will be gentle and inclusive. This is a 30 minute class that welcomes you to unwind from your day;15 minutes of gentle stretches to ease tension held in the body and 15 minutes of deep relaxation. 

Allowing ourself time to release tension that accumulates in our body can feel supportive to our nervous system and general overall health. 

Join us on Mondays at 6pm for these virtual sessions. Places are limited so if you wish to attend, please register in good time. Find out more and book your place here. 

How to be Heard - Advocating for Yourself in the NHS 

Update: this event is going to be rescheduled for later on in the year. Keep checking here for the new date. This event is hosted by Vicky Pearson, she was diagnosed by the NHS in December 2023, after a two year period of working with immunologists at Hull Royal Hospital. After a four year fight to be heard, she managed to push through referrals within the NHS, to finally be the first MCAS diagnosis that her immunologist had ever confirmed.

This event is designed to help individuals learn how to approach MCAS whilst accessing medical care within the NHS and how to advocate for yourself as a patient.The discussion will cover some basic steps patients can take at the moment, to aid in their own diagnosis, working with their doctors.

Become a friend

Sign up to become a Friend of Mast Cell Action so we can keep you up to date on our progress and on how to get involved in our latest campaigns and initiatives. 

Become a friend


Mast Cell Action relies entirely on the generosity of people like you. Please make a donation now and together we can make a difference to those affected by MCAS.

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